Diversify Your Marketplace Portfolio

Beyond Amazon: Better marketplace options.
Nearly everyone has experienced the notorious dread that washes over you when discovering you just missed out on a great deal. The feeling greatly intensifies when you find out you could have made more money “if only...”. As such, many count the moment when they realize there are more ways to approach ecommerce business than Amazon alone as a turning point for their online retail business. You may be leaving money on the table everyday that you didn’t even know about… until now.
The Amazon Jumble
Yes, Amazon is popular. Nearly a third of all US ecommerce business happened on Amazon last year. However, most retailers don’t even think to shop around for additional premium marketplace offerings, blinded by its stronghold as a marketplace favorite.
Key Metrics:
- #1 online retailer in North America by a large margin
- $296B+ in revenue in 2020 (up 38% from 2019!)
- 31.4% of all U.S. ecommerce sales growth in 2020
In 2020, 90% of US businesses hosted their eRetail portfolio on Amazon alone. With these staggering numbers, some may ask, “if Amazon is a strong revenue source for us, why should we shop around?” Why rock the boat, right?
Get Ahead of the Dread
Well, savvy business owners know it’s risky to have all of your eggs in one basket. Arming yourself with the full picture can only strengthen your decision making abilities. There are additional opportunities beyond Amazon that could increase your sales with little effort. So, why not see what’s out there? Take a look at the fee comparison for other leading marketplaces compared to Amazon.

While Amazon does have a lot of visibility, that also means a lot of competition. Placing your items for sale on multiple platforms may yield stronger results in a short amount of time. The best option is to diversify and sell on multiple marketplace portfolio options. The more places your target market can find you, the more sales you will yield.
Next steps
Ready to expand your marketplace portfolio? With Sync Channels powered by ChannelUnity, bringing additional marketplaces online is as easy as the click of a button. There are no additional fees or setup/implementation costs like you’d find with traditional marketplace integrations or data pipes. It really is that easy. Start picking that extra money up off of the table today by reaching out for your free consultation!